Note: E.T. (Professor Turnbow) will be uploading his journals/letters which he has accumulated though decades of concert going. The following is the first of many installments to come.
Elton and Billy Rocked!
I Went to the Elton John and Billie Joel "Face To Face" tour at the Tacoma dome yesterday! Let's just say that it was not disappointing! I had a ton of fun, with my good and faithful Karaoke coworker Joel. I was touched by the way they sang each others music and hid their egos behind their amps! They opened up with "Your Song" and "Just the way you are" as a DUO, which totally was cool seeing them perform together without the band. Then, after 2 full sets as a single and their own bands behind them, They blew everyone away, when at the encore of a long 3 plus hour night, They came back together to perform again as a twosome. This time they played 11 songs with BOTH BACK UP BANDS kicking it out. First song was Beethoven "Ode to Joy" of all things, followed by 2 Beatle songs, both written by John Lennon. (Come Together, and A Hard days Night). I did not expect that! Finally the band split again, and the last song of the night was "Piano Man" and they alternated singing the lead every other verse pretty much for the entire encore set! It was GREAT! Basically they jammed for some 4 hours with little break! Not even enough time to drain the lizard or get another "Electric Ice Tea". My thumb is way up, which is the spirit the concert left me with! I am sure that the Portland show must have sold out big time, but tickets go for $93.00 and way up, no thanks to ticket master.
Elton John and Billy Joel
Live: Tacoma Dome 1/24/2001
"Face To Face Tour" (A 4 Hour Bonanza)
Opener: Your Song (duo, no band)
I Love You Just The Way You Are (Duo, no Band)
Funeral For a Friend (Solo ELTON JOHN AND HIS BAND:)
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Someone Saved My Life Tonight
Philadelphia Freedom
All The Girls Love Alice
Rocket Man
Tiny Dancer
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Uptown Girl (A Tribute Cover of a Billy Joel Song)
Sad Songs
I'm Still Standing
Crocodile Rock
10 Minute Break
Movin Out (Solo Billy Joel And Band)
New York State of Mind
Theme From an Italian Restaurant
Good night My Angel (For Daughter Alexis, With Christy Brinkly)
River Of Dreams
Take Me To The Pilot (A Tribute Cover of an Elton John Song)
I Don't Know Why I Go To Extremes
Don't Be Cruel (Billy moves to Lead Guitar)
We Didn't Start The Fire (Billy still on guitar)
Still Rock And Roll To Me
Only The Good Die Young
(Encore)Ode To Beethoven (Totally Classical)
(Encore)My Life
At this point we all thought that it was over and that
Elton had left the
building many moons before, but we were totally wrong,
to our delight!
I Guess Thats Why They Call It The Blues
(Together, with BOTH Bands!!)
Come Together (Beatle Tribute)
Hard Days Night (John Lennon Tribute)
Bitch is Back
You May Right
Benee and the Jets
Great Balls of Fire (Jerry Lee Lewis STOMPER)
Candle In The Wind (Back to DUO Only, no
Piano Man (Band Returns For The Final Song)
I really enjoyed seeing such hot studio back up
players together in the final
ensemble bonus encores done together. We had Nigel
Olsen on the drums AND Liberty
Devito as well, sort of the best of the best aS you
will. The song writing was
incredible, with Elton penning 18 tracks to Billys 15.
Plus 4 Covers to round it off.
They both parked their egos at the door and payed
tribute to each other with one
cover for each. They also sang back and fourth through
the duo sections one verse
each, which I had never seen before. To make it even
cooler, they had Eltons image
on the screen above Billy, and Billys image on the
screen above Elton! Talk about
an even steven match up. They sort of payed tribute to
each other that night, and they
did it "FACE TO FACE", which incidentally was the name
of the tour! Now how hip is that?
Steinway grand pianos parked next to each cranking out
rockin classic rock classics
for an unbelievable performance spectacle. My score
would have to be a "10". I would
highly recommend you to go see this one if the
opportunity presents itself! You can't
Be cool, E.T. Keep on singing!
Note: Professor Turnbow may be reached at:
(360) 943-7039
Also, his website is linked to the banner below.