Trillium University News


Our top story is about the addition of faculty works at Trillium University.

E.T's Pop Music Journal

Trillium University's Professor Turnbow has added his fifth entry into his journal of modern pop performances at our archives. He may also be reached at His area of expertise is in modern pop music. He is an avid collector of memoribilia and has kept notes on a phenomenal number of concerts which he is willing to share with friends of Trillium University. See what he had to say about the latest Eagles concert.

Professor Alexander's Course on Design.

Trillium University Is Proud to announce the addition Feldman Alexander's course on Design. Professor Alexander is a partner in the design firm IryStyle located in the Ukraine. They specialize in computer programming and archetectural and 3D design. We anticipate the addition of other lectures, lessons, tutorials, and classes from the generous folks at IryStyle.
IryStyle Staff:
Alexander Feldman
Dmitry Makaryev
Sergey Puchok

Trillium University's music glossary is now online. See the music school for link to the glossary.

ThePlanet: Science Fiction.
Ware: Software news.
PTE: Chemical and Science News.
Design news.
TLA news.
The Philosophical Discourse.
News at
SCUBA news.

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Trillium University
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